Saving Money While Maintaining Performance With Tolerations on k8s

Saving Money While Maintaining Performance With Tolerations on k8s

In our blog series on decreasing the cost of our Kubernetes cluster, we suggested replacing on-demand EC2 instances with spot instances for Kubernetes’ nodes. When we first introduced this idea, we mentioned that this strategy could have negative impacts on both our applications’ availability and our ability to monitor our applications’ availability. At the time, we still converted to spot instances because we believed the savings benefits were worth the decrease in reliability. Excitingly, this blog post outlines a strategy via which we can still decrease the cost we pay for our Kubernetes’ cluster, but not sacrifice important applications’ availability, or our ability to monitor our cluster or the applications running on it.

The Problem with Spot Instances

Fundamentally, the issue with spot instances is that we can't guarantee that we will always have them. One obtains spot instances by specifying a maximum bid. You maintain the spot instance as long as the market price of a spot instance is less than your maximum bid. However, if it rises above your spot instance, Amazon will terminate your spot instance.

Unfortunately, there is no ceiling on the market price for spot instances. This lack of ceiling is somewhat counterintuitive, as we would expect that the price of an equivalent on-demand instance would serve as a ceiling. However, this expectation rests on the assumption that no one will pay more for a spot instance than they would for an equivalent on-demand instance. This assumption is not a safe one to make. For example, imagine another spot instance market participant is using spot instances to perform video encoding where each unit of work takes 1hr. They seek confidence their in-progress work won't be interrupted, so they would rather pay $5 an hour to retain their spot instance, then $4 an hour for a new on-demand instance on which they would need to begin their work from scratch.

In short, if we are utilizing spot instances, and cost considerations prevent us from setting an incredibly high maximum bid, there will be times when we cannot purchase spot instances. In practice, I've found these times to occur approximately a couple of times a week for around 10 or so minutes. During these windows, our Kubernetes cluster has no nodes on which to run pods.


Impact on our k8s cluster

The lack of spot instances’ impact on our Kubernetes cluster is direct; if we do not have nodes, we cannot run any pods. In other words, our Kubernetes cluster cannot perform any of its assigned functions, like hosting this blog. To compound the issue, the nodes also run our Prometheus and Alertmanager pods. We depend on these pods for alerts when either our Kubernetes cluster, or the applications running on it, have issues. If they are also not executing, because an inability to purchase spot instances caused us to have no nodes, then there's no way to tell there's an ongoing issue. Overall, having no nodes causes our cluster to completely stop functioning, and removes the mechanism responsible for telling us when the cluster and its applications aren't working.

The Solution

In certain use cases, short periods of cluster downtime, without corresponding alerts, may be acceptable. In that case, its fine to use exclusively spot instances for all nodes. However, downtime of this nature is not acceptable for our personal Kubernetes cluster. Fortunately, there is a solution.

In our updated cluster, we transition from using exclusively spot instances for our nodes, to using a combination of spot instances and on-demand instances. More specifically, we classify all applications running on our Kubernetes cluster as either “high availability” or “best effort”. We then purchase just enough on-demand instance computing resources to run our high availability applications, while running all the best effort applications on our spot instances. We know Amazon will never reclaim our on-demand instances, so they do not have the same recurring downtime as our spot instances.

This more nuanced strategy gives us the best of both worlds. We save more money on EC2 resources than we would if we used only on-demand instances for our nodes, and we enjoy better reliability thatn we would if we used only spot instances.


The Implementation

Fortunately, Kubernetes and Kops provide primitives that make implementing the strategy outlined above fairly trivial.

First, we need to update our Kubernetes’ cluster configuration to now have three different instance groups. We still have the master-us-west-2a instance group, which is responsible for running our Kubernetes master. But now, instead of a single instance group for the Nodes, we have two instance groups, one comprising of on-demand instances and the other comprising of spot instances. As we can see in the configuration file below, Kops allows us to specify how many machines we want in each instance group. With this granular control, we can create just enough on-demand instances to support our high availability applications, and then utilize spot instances for the remainder of the computing resources needed to run our best effort applications.

Our final task is determining how we ensure that high availability pods run on our on-demand instance while best efforts run on our spot instances. Fortunately, Kubernetes gives us control over this via the concepts of Taints and Tolerations.

A taint is applied to a node. Once a taint is applied to a node, the node knows not to accept any pods that do not explicitly tolerate the taints. Whether a pod tolerates a taint or not is controlled via the node specifying a toleration for taint in its spec.

Below, we can see an example of the taint we've applied to our spot instance nodes.

  - type=spot-instance:NoSchedule

Pods will not be scheduled on all nodes with this taint, unless they have the following toleration.

- key: "type"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "spot-instance"

We can then apply this toleration to, for example, our best effort Grafana pod, but not our high availability Prometheus pod. In doing so, we guarantee that all high availability pods will run on our on-demand instances, which have better reliability.

Next Steps and Conclusion

Success! As the title promised, we've outlined a strategy which helps save money while maintaining availability. After utilizing this on-demand/spot instance split for a while, you can even decide to purchase a reserved instance instead of an on-demand instance, unlocking even further savings. See our previous post for more discussion of converting on-demand instances to reserved instances.

After making the changes discussed in this post, our cluster now has the reliability, and resources, to run our high availability NextCloud cluster, which is what we'll be exploring in our next blog post. Thanks for reading!