
Hi, my name’s Matt :)

I work as a SWE at Flatiron Health. I graduated from Williams College where I majored in computer science and political science.

To be honest, as of 2020, I’m not the most prolific of bloggers, but will post when I have something I’d like to share :)

I like open-source systems programming and developer tooling, tinkering with Linux on the desktop, reading, Toronto sports teams, baking bread, and participating in mental health advocacy. My post on Programming w/ OCD remains my favorite :)

From 2018-2020, I focused most of my “leisure” coding time on Kubernetes and the Cloud Native ecosystem. I contributed code and reviews to Kubernetes and its associated projects as much as possible, and was tremendously excited and grateful to have served as a Reviewer for sig-node. My biggest project was writing and implementing a KEP for Building Kubelet Without Docker. Though I’m no longer working on Kubernetes every day, I still watch the project with interest, and contribute when I can :)

In the past, I also ran my own personal Kubernetes cluster, on which I hosted this blog and other applications. See this repo for the code. See my latest self-hosting project for how I’m currently hosting this blog.

All my k8s work started in my senior year of college (2015-2016), when I wrote a thesis entitled “Predictive Auto-scaling of Pods in the Kubernetes Container Cluster Manager.”

In a non-k8s vein, I spent a couple of months in the summer of 2017 developing Sheepdoge, which is essentially Boxen but for Ansible. I still use Sheepdoge to manage my machines, although active development has slowed :) I also contributed to elasticsearch-dsl-py.

You can find me on Github or reach me through email. You can find my GPG public key here. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can ever be of any help, particularly if it relates to mental health and programming or diversity and inclusion in tech/open source.