is now https is now https

We're excited to announce all connections to, and its subdomains (i.e., etc.), are now able, and in fact forced, to use HTTPS. After reading this post, we hope you'll be convinced of the merits of using HTTPS for public-internet facing services, and also have the knowledge to easily modify your services to start supporting HTTPS connections.

Why do we care about HTTPS?


Offering, and defaulting to, HTTPS is good web hygiene. It has been a particular focus of the EFF over the last year, as they describe in this summary of their Encrypt The Web initiative.

Specifically, HTTPS sites, unlike HTTP sites, are safe from eavesdropping and content hijacking. Eavesdropping is when a third-party observes the client's connection with the website. It can be used for a number of nefarious purposes, the most obvious of which is stealing sensitive information like passwords. Content hijacking is when a third-party modifies the content sent by the client or website before its intended recipient can view it. For example, it could be used to place ads on a website or modify an asset the website serves (i.e. a GPG public key).

Since we need our blog, and other services running on our Kubernetes cluster which we wish to make publicly accessible, to be safe from eavesdropping and content hijacking, we must support connecting to our services via HTTPS.

Previous approach to HTTPS in our k8s cluster


As you may remember from our initial blog post on deploying this static site via Kubernetes, we originally only supported HTTP connections to this blog. Prior to the changes described in this blog post, we exposed our blog to the external web via a LoadBalancer Service. When we created the LoadBalancer Service, Kubernetes created a publicly accessible AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), and then ensured traffic sent to this load balancer was delivered to the pods serving our blog.

The seemingly low risk and consequence of attack provided our justification for not initially supporting HTTPS. There is, and remains, no sensitive communication between the client and server for which we must be concerned about eavesdropping. While there was the risk of content-modification, the blog did not serve any assets for which content-modification was a significant danger.

For our non-static sites like Grafana and NextCloud for which there was an authentication layer, and thus a true risk of eavesdropping, we avoided exposing them to the public internet. This meant we needed to use Port Forwarding to access these applications.

The inability to use support encrypted connections constrained how we interacted with applications running on this cluster. Thus, supporting HTTPS connections to services running on our k8s cluster will not only promote good web hygiene for applications which were already publicly exposed, but also support us making a new class of applications accessible over the public internet.

New approach to HTTPS in our k8s cluster


From LoadBalancer Services to Ingress

Our first step to utilizing HTTPS in our k8s cluster was switching from publicly exposing services using a LoadBalancer Service to publicly exposing services via Kubernetes’ Ingress resource. The Ingress resource's stated purpose is managing external access to Services running in the cluster.

Ingress offers a number advantages compared to LoadBalancer Service types. First, when utilizing Ingress objects, we can share on ELB for all publicly accessible services. In contrast, each LoadBalancer Service creates its own ELB. As a single ELB costs around $200 a year, as calculated in our cost saving series, utilizing Ingresses offers a cost advantage.

Additionally, Ingresses are very flexible in their support of name based virtual hosting. For example, using the Ingress resource, we can configure to route to our blog ClusterIP Service, and to route to our Grafana ClusterIP Service, without needing to directly manage any DNS subdomains.

Finally, and most importantly for this blog post, Ingresses offer first class support for configuring HTTPS.

Supporting Ingress on our Cluster

We need to deploy an Ingress Controller which takes stored Ingress resources and performs the necessary actions. For more about Controllers, a fundamental part of k8s architecture, see some of the articles listed on the linked page.

We decided to deploy the nginx-ingress controller. The helm chart should work pretty much out of the box without any tweaking of defaults.

With the Ingress controller deployed, we can now start deploying Ingress resources. Below we define an Ingress for our blog:

As you can see, we've routed requests to, and to our blog Service.

After deploying this ingress, our final step is updating our Route53 A records for and * to the ExternalIP listed for the nginx-ingress-controller Service, which should be our only Service of type LoadBalancer. The remainder of our Services, and all future Services, will be of type ClusterIP, and use Ingress for public exposure.

Exposing another application via Ingress is trivial. For example, to expose Grafana, we just need to add the following Ingress definition. We do not even need to update our Route53 DNS records, as * already routes to our nginx-ingress-controller, and our nginx-ingress-controller knows to route traffic to our Grafana ClusterIP service.

Supporting HTTPS via CertManager

From day one, the abundance of community tooling has driven our interest and belief in Kubernetes. In this instance, the talented developers at Jetstack have created and shared, CertManager.

CertManager is a Kubernetes controller which manages issuing certificates from sources like Let's Encrypt and also ensures the certificates stays valid and up to date. Amazingly, CertManager allows us to force HTTPS only connections to a publicly exposed service with just a couple of lines of YAML in our Ingress resource definitions.

Jetstack has written great documentation for CertManager, so to get started with CertManager, follow this tutorial. The most important steps in the tutorial are Step 5 - Deploy Cert Manager and Step 6 - Configure Let's Encrypt Issuer.

With CertManager deployed, and the Let's Encrypt Issuer configured, we can now force HTTPS connections via some small modifications to our Ingress resources. The changes to the definition of the Ingress resource for our blog, now serving HTTPS, can be seen below:

It's equally trivial to add HTTPS support for Grafana, or any other Services, we wish to publicly expose. We just need to ensure we have completed the tls section in the Ingress spec and added the{issuer,acme-challenge-type} annotations.

Limitations of this method for supporting HTTPS

While CertManager is an incredibly useful tool for supporting HTTPS connections on publicly accessible websites, it is not a complete solution for encrypted communication on our Kubernetes cluster. Specifically, CertManager only works for services accessible over the public internet.

As a result, it can not be used when your cluster is running locally (i.e. Minikube). The lack of local usage isn't concerning from a security perspective, because there should not be sensitive information in dev and because all of your connections are remaining on the local machine which vastly reduces the attack service. However, it can make testing changes to CertManager difficult. Fortunately, we can use the letsencrypt-staging provider discussed in the tutorial for when we want to test out changes without negatively impacting prod.

This model for supporting HTTPS also does not work for services we do not want exposed to the public internet. In other words, we need a different way to encrypt communication to private services whose only clients are within the Kubernetes cluster. When we begin to consider encrypting these connections, we may look to accomplish it via Mutual TLS provided by a Service Mesh.


We hope you enjoy the new We're really excited about the new avenues opened up to us now that our cluster supports deploying publicly accessible services which force HTTPS connections! A big thanks to the good folks at Jetstack for creating such a useful and powerful tool like CertManager.